Hurricane Sandy has come to ruin my Autumn


Hello there fellow bloggers. It’s Sama~Chan here with a blog. The picture above is curtosy of

There are only two things that I like about Autumn at all. The pretty, colorful leaves, slowly drifting off into the pink sunset and a calm evening, and halloween, the day i can practice my makeup skills in another direction, but just last week i heard about something big… And her name was Sandy…

Right now, my Autumn is completely RUINED because of Sandy. All of the leaves are being plucked right off the tree by the 70mph winds, and carried away to God-knows-where and i can’t even enjoy them. By tommorow, they’ll be scattered all over the sidewalks, wilted.

I need to think up plan B for what was supposed to be a scary makeup throwdown since it’s all flooded out.

Its rainy, muddy, wet, and gloomy. The sky is gray and the birds have flown off to hibernation… And people wonder why I hate Autumn so much…

At least i have my cats and my polymere clay. That should keep me busy for 5+ months… tell me when it gets warm again

Until next time,